My day with Norik

A photographer named Norik, who is regarded as one of the top photographers in Kosovo, allowed me to accompany him on a photo shoot of a bride and groom. Watching him work is amazing. The quality of the photos he takes are superb and the techniques he uses when shooting and the boundaries he breaks reflects his passion for the art. There is nothing he is afraid of doing when it comes to taking the perfect photograph. It could involve getting knee deep in water many would deem unpleasant or even dangerous.  Or trusting one of his crew members to hold his weight as he leans down over a dangerous slope to capture a breathtaking shot.

Norik is an extremely busy man. He photo shoots on average two weddings a day, every day. The stress he endures would be overwhelming for most people, but the love of his craft outweighs all else. Watching him work is interesting to say the least. He understands how well he performs with a camera and is not shy to share the pride he feels for his work. I have never had the opportunity before to spend so much time around a true artist I am quickly realizing that his perception of art and the world is changing mine. The knowledge I will gain from this experience I am sure will benefit me for years to come.

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