The idea of walking up to a strangers house unannounced and asking them to interview and photograph them is something that gives me a great deal of anxiety. I imagine the scenario often, and I always picture me knocking on the door, explaining my project and politely asking their permission to photograph, and them rejecting it all and telling me to go away, leaving me with nothing to shoot. However, my experiences today were quite the opposite.
I visited three families today, and every one greeted me with open arms the minute I rang their doorbell. They were all very eager to help me with my project, and sat down, answering all my questions, and telling me loads of stories about their bees and the process of beekeeping and honey making. They even were kind enough to bring me snacks, and give me tours of their properties before letting me roam free around their yards. I was amazed that people here are so kind and generous, because I honestly feel like back home almost no one would have been as open and friendly to me as the people I met today.