My very first interview was like a week ago. At first I was very curios about my subject and the questions i was going to ask him. At first i had to convince him to do this project which i thought would be the hardest thing of the entire project but fortunately he was happy that some one is doing such thing and he accepted immediately.
We met with him the next day, he was a really nice person and he was willing to share his experiences with us and show the world what is like to be a transgender in Kosovo, what difficulties has he faced or he is facing and different things about his life. He has lot of stories to talk about, like good stories and bad stories.
why my title says “Lendi for short” is because one of the difficulties he faced while growing up was his name, in school teachers would call him in his long name which was Lendita and he didn’t like it. So today everyone calls him Lendi and for those who call him with the long name he says that he doesn’t care as long as they don’t do it on purpose or with bad intentions.