Running with a champion

So I often run in the Germia Park which is right down the street from my apartment and RIT-K. Today was a little cooler and a beautiful day for a run so after a visit with Beki in the lab I started running to the park. It is basically one long slow hill up to the park and then some steeper hills. So as I am slowly hauling myself up the hill, I look to my right and a spritely, gray haired man comes blowing by me. I thought to myself, “man that is so lame, you really need to get back to where you used to be” and watched him fly by waving at me with a smile and a “mirdita” which means good day in Albanian. A few minutes later, down the hill he comes on my left side and all the sudden, he is running next to me! We run for a few minutes and I think he asks me if I’m German and I said “American” which is always the right thing to say here. I get a huge smile and a handshake in full stride. As we run in perfect sync at a much slower pace closer to mine than his but still a challenge for me, I notice people smiling. This is a big park but everyone seems to know my companion and I could hear an occasional shoutout..”ehhh, Bravo Muhamet” and he skips and continues to run alongside me. I realize after a mile or so that he is wearing professional clothes and shoes which is not always common here, and I start to wonder if the shirt he is wearing is actually from a team or if he is part of a team so I am not surprised when he whips out a laminated paper that announces that he is Muhamet Rama Vusshrria an athlete who has broken two Balkan records in the veteran who ran 1500 meters (very close to a mile) in 5 minutes and 16 seconds. Ok people, I could not run that when I was 16 much less now! Muhamet and I ran about 3 miles together and it was pure delight to run beside him and will be one of the highlights of my time in Prishtina.

Meredith Davenport and Muhamet Rama Vustre in Germia Park July 17, 2016
Meredith Davenport and Muhamet Rama Vustre in Germia Park July 17, 2016
Muhamet Rama Vustre in Germia Park July 17, 2016
Muhamet Rama Vustre in Germia Park July 17, 2016

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