Interviewing people is so much fun! I actually never had the chance to really interview someone and ask them questions about their life and what they do, and what they care about… I really liked it.
After my interview with Bardh for the NewBorn Documentary I thought about how interesting it would be if I could interview even more people and get to know about their stories – because we all do have a story, don’t we?
First I was kind of excited about the interview, because I thought what if my questions are boring and his answers will be short, but I found out that that is impossible. Why am I saying that…? I just think that both parties, the interviewer and the interviewed person do the interview with the goal to speak out. Me as an interviewer will ask the questions that suit the story I want to tell and Bardh, in this case, as the interviewed person will tell his story because he wants people to know how he sees the world. I actually regretted that I didn’t take the Recording Equipment on the first day I met Bardh, because our conversation that day was so interesting and it just went on and on. We talked about everything.
This is exactly what I liked about the whole INTERVIEWING process; both sides are ready to speak up, to talk about the deep stuff and to share moments of truth with one another – which is not very common in today’s fast world in which we bore each other with SMALL TALKs, instead of talking about the “real” things.
There are so many stories… and I want to hear more of them. I am pretty sure this won’t be my last interview.