Although I have been out of the United States before, I have never been to Europe. I always assumed the first European country I’d visit would be England, Ireland, or Italy, so, in addition to the excitement of travelling to Europe, there is something unique about having my first European experience in the Balkans. I’m going to locations that stray from ordinary tourist destinations to do work that strays from ordinary as well.
I am hoping to spend the next six weeks learning as much as I can about documentary photography and more importantly, other people. In order to tell another person’s story fairly, accurately, and respectfully, you must work to understand them. My challenge during this program will be to let go of my pre-existing ideas and listen first.
In preparation for this course, we were asked to write about our expectations. I’ve thought a lot about this and I don’t have many specific ideas. I expect Kosovo to be reasonably modern and developed. Every country has its issues with crime, poverty, and infrastructure, but Kosovo’s past makes some of these more visible. I’m sure there will be things that are hard to see and hear, but I am trying to start out with an open mind and see things for myself. When I tell people I am going to Kosovo, many are shocked, scared, or confused. One of my goals on this trip is to be able to go home and give people new ideas of what Kosovo is like.