Military Mayhem

This second half of the week was a full week. It started with a fourth of July celebration that had the resemblance of an American celebration, with the burgers and the beer, but the live DJ and dancing gave away the Albanian influence in the event. It was really fun to destress from the past two weeks and touch home for a little bit. After this event, we went straight back to business. On Friday I had my shoot day with Fitim, the Military parkour guy as I’ve taken to calling him. The day started promisingly; it was an early start at the military base where I was happily let in with the credentials I had. But that is where it started to go downhill. Every time a military policeman passed us we would get stopped and scrutinized about what we were doing. And then I was informed that I am only allowed to photograph Fitim, so I had to delete half of my photos from that shoot.

After that Friday the weekend was surprisingly relaxing. I did not go to the Peja trip, which meant I had some time to just relax by the giant pool pictured below.

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