Getting a guided tour through countries like Albania and Macedonia was something that I never knew I would be doing. They were never places I had planned on going, but I leapt at the chance to go and experience this new culture. Albania’s landscapes were beautiful to drive through and I loved seeing the mountains and lakes that are so different from my own home. Throughout the trip I was constantly amazed by how beautiful the country was. The first night in Albania, some of the group went to view the soccer game between Albania and Romania. After Albania won, the crowd erupted in cheers, song and dance. Albanian flags waved high while strangers linked arms with one another to dance. The energy within that outdoor space was filled with celebration and upbeat music. It was a great feeling to be so welcomed into the culture and get a glimpse into something that means a lot to the Albanian people.

Another highlight of the trip included the trip to Skopje, Macedonia. We had the chance to sit with the leader of the RDK Party, Prof. Dr. Vesel Memedi. We listened to him speak about the country’s current situation and what has come to be known as the “Colorful Revolution.” Learning about issues that were previously unknown to me made me realize that there is so much more going on in the world than what we get in our daily news. It is important that we are able to make these issues known in order for the general public to care about the problems.