Congrats to Rugile Kaladyte and Josh Barber for tying for first place! We talked about why we liked each respective photo equally. Both are two very different moments, one being obvious and one a little more subtle. Enjoy!
Photo By Josh Barber Rochester Institute of Technology's Kreag Bradley hits the ground after colliding with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Jonny Rio as the ball rolls away from the play at second base during a game March 24, 2012 at RIT Field. Bradley was ruled safe but cut his chin in the play.
Photo By: Rugile Kaladyte James Curtis of the Rochester Institute of Technology Cycling Club checks his phone before the team departs from teammate Andrew Miller's house Sunday morning. The Phily Phyler Criterium will be the third cycling event of the weekend in Philadelphia, PA.
Posted: April 5, 2012 by ritnppa
Photo of the Week 03/30/12
Congrats to Rugile Kaladyte and Josh Barber for tying for first place! We talked about why we liked each respective photo equally. Both are two very different moments, one being obvious and one a little more subtle. Enjoy!
Category: Photo of the Week