NPPA student chapter of the National Press Photographers Association

2024 Non-Fiction Video

A non-fiction video that reflects the human experience. 

First Place: Jess Kszos

Ballin’ For Stunna

Divine Calloway, also known as Stunna, graduated from Wilson Magnet High School last year. He was shot and killed on August 9, 2023. This short documentary follows members of Divine’s family and basketball team as they navigate life after this devastating loss.

Second Place: Jamie Ratchford

Ashes to Ashes

Ash trees in New York and across the U.S. are being decimated by an invasive insect. The loss of these trees is not only devastating to the natural environment, it also has serious impacts on cultural traditions. The concern for their survival is a shared experience. 

Third Place: Josh Boland


Cierra Taylor is a boxer in the spotlight who is a protector more than a fighter. She has overcome challenges in her life that have taught her how to raise her four sons, trying to keep her boys focused and successful through sport 

Honorable Mention: Georgia Pressley

Falling Forward

“It’s almost like an addiction or something,” says Pamela Tuety. Is it the pseudonyms and alternate personas, the ferocity of a full-contact sport, the community of people? This short documentary looks inside the lives of the players at Roc City Roller Derby and what makes the community unique. 

Honorable Mention: Emma Truscott

Where I Belong

This documentary short follows the journey of three girls navigating adolesence. As they find their voice within their communities, each girl encounters their own challenges and successes. Woven together, their stories illustrate the diversity found within girlhood.